31 Free Habit Tracker Printables

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Consistency is the key to crushing your personal goals.

That’s it. That’s the secret.

It’s all about committing to those small tasks every single day until they eventually become habits.

Looking to boost your motivation while building new habits?

These free printable habit trackers are just what you need to keep track of your daily progress and stay on top of your goals.

weekly habit tracker
weekly habit tracker
weekly habit tracker
weekly habit tracker
weekly habit tracker
monthly habit tracker
monthly habit tracker
monthly habit tracker
monthly habit tracker
monthly habit tracker
monthly habit tracker
monthly habit tracker
monthly habit tracker
monthly habit tracker
31 day habit tracker printable
31 day habit tracker printable
31 day habit tracker printable

What should I track in my habit tracker?

Ideally, the best daily habits to track are going to be things that benefit your health and well-being and/or move you closer to reaching your goals.

But, of course, you can honestly track anything you’d like.

Here are 20 habit tracker ideas:

  1. Water consumption
  2. Activity/exercise/reaching a certain amount of steps
  3. Walking your dog
  4. Completing your morning or evening routine
  5. Expressing gratitude
  6. Waking up on time
  7. Going to bed early
  8. Eating a healthy meal (or meals)
  9. Hitting your calorie/carb/etc. goal
  10. Self-care
  11. Practice something
  12. Work on a hobby or side hustle
  13. Read or listen to personal development or something uplifting
  14. Take your vitamins or other supplements
  15. Say something nice about yourself
  16. Family time
  17. Quality time with your partner
  18. Dishes or another household chore
  19. No electronics before bed
  20. Journal your thoughts

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  1. This is the perfect habit tracker. Simple, but colorful enough to be fun as well. Thank you for sharing!

  2. Is there any way to get the habit tracker by itself if I don’t need the whole bundle? Thanks.

    1. Lemons & Lattes Team says:

      Hi Kim! We don’t offer the habit tracker as a single page at the moment. Maybe in the future. 😊

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