The Best Stay-at-Home Mom Tips for Staying Happy and Organized
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Has anyone ever asked you what it is that you do for a living?
And when you tell them you’re a stay-at-home mom, their response is something along the lines of “oh, must be nice” as if it’s some sort of vacation.
The truth is, there’s more to it than just hanging out and watching Netflix all day, right?
Sure, some days we feel on top of the world and might fit in an episode or 2 of our favorite show.
On other days, laundry is up to our eyeballs, we feel like we have no time for ourselves, NO idea what to cook for dinner, and the baby is demanding to be fed.
While I can’t promise you that laundry will ever truly be a piece of cake, I can, however, share some of my best stay-at-home mom tips for staying happy, healthy, and organized.
Tips to be an organized stay-at-home mom
These tips may sound simple, but they truly do make a big difference.
If you’re trying to get organized as a stay-at-home mom, one of the best things you can do is get yourself a family planner or a good calendar app and actually use it.
If full-blown planners aren’t for you, a decent calendar for your fridge can work too.
It can be tough to keep track of everything that’s going on, from doctor appointments to field trip dates.
By having everything in one place, you can avoid the stress and chaos that comes with trying to remember everything. It makes life a lot easier!
Get your finances in order
When it comes to stay-at-home mom organization, your finances matter too.
As a stay-at-home mom, you’re probably living on one income.
And let’s face it. Being a one-income family can be stressful.
What’s a mama to do? Here are a few ways you can get your finances on track.
Create a family budget – The more you make, the more you tend to spend. Figuring out where your money is going and making a budget is a good idea no matter what your income is.
Getting your bills organized – This can be as simple as downloading a monthly bill calendar. No more late fees and spacing on due dates!
Setting financial goals for your family – Working towards a savings goal can be exciting. Want to plan a family trip to Disney? Pay off your car? Now is the perfect time to start. A savings challenge can be a fun way to kick off a new money goal.
Embrace routines
If you are feeling overwhelmed as a stay-at-home mom, I highly recommend that you embrace routines.
Having solid routines in place will simplify your life and help you structure your day.
It wasn’t until my oldest started kindergarten that I started to grasp the importance of this whole routine thing.
Let’s just say that skating around on school mornings with no plan, no routine, nada… wasn’t cutting it. Racing against the clock isn’t the best way to start your day.
If your life feels like a chaotic mess, it might be time to rethink your routines.
A few of the areas that tend to get moms all stressed out tend to be…
- Dinner time
- Keeping your home clean and tidy
- Morning time – especially if you have kids that are in school or you have an early morning appointment to get to
- Homework and evening routine
If your daily routines need a little work, there are tweaks you can make to get back on track.
Kick the clutter
Another crucial stay-at-home mom tip? Kick the clutter.
Now, I’m not saying you have to get rid of everything but the kitchen sink, but I wholeheartedly believe that decluttering your house is the first place you should start when you’re feeling frazzled.
Some believe that physical clutter can make you feel weighed down and crappy, and I definitely agree as this has been my experience too.
The idea is to get rid of anything you don’t use or absolutely love. The less “stuff” you have, the easier it is to keep everything clean and organized.
Is your closet cramped because you’re hoarding things you know you’ll never wear? When it comes to decluttering, you must be ruthless.
If you don’t love something or you haven’t used it in the past year, it may be time to donate or sell it.
Trust me when I say that you’ll feel so much lighter and better once you’re finished.
Plan your dinners
Is dinner time stressing you out? I highly recommend that you try meal planning.
I know you’re probably tired of hearing how meal planning is the solution to all your problems, but hear me out.
I think when some moms hear “meal planning” they think they have to plan out every morsel of food or cook fancy meals. And, yuck… that sounds like too much work.
That’s really not the case. It doesn’t have to be complicated at all.
In fact, getting started can be as simple as making a list of your family’s favorite meals and using that as a starting point.
You can even plan to leave one night a week up for Chinese, pizza, date night – whatever you like.
Plus, there are plenty of cute meal planners that are a lot more fun than boring old notebook paper.
Make smarter to-do lists
To-do lists are supposed to simplify things for you, right? But if you add too many things to the list, it can be counterproductive.
What works better? You probably feel like there are a million things going on inside your head. Things you need to grab at the store, meal ideas you randomly think of, upcoming appointments or due dates, etc.
How do you sort out what needs to be dealt with now without forgetting about the rest?
I’m a huge fan of using brain dumps to create my to-do lists.
Once I have a nice, physical list that’s outside of my head and on paper, I can start to sort and prioritize what I should do first and what can be saved for later.
If you do this, you can physically see what needs your attention first and start crafting your (simplified) to-do list.
Stay-at-home mom tips for staying happy and healthy
Staying organized is so important for your sanity, but overall happiness is just as important.
Here are a few crucial tips for staying happy and healthy as a stay-at-home mom.
Start exercising
Yes, move your body!
Exercise is a natural stress reliever and can even help with anxiety and depression.
So, exercise for the feeling you’ll have afterward. Do it because you want to feel your best.
No matter what my weight is or how far I can run, I always feel better when I’m exercising consistently.
And by exercising, I’m not saying you have to hit the gym.
It can be as simple as setting a step goal and walking for 20-30 minutes a day. I’ve noticed that just getting in a quick 20-minute walk improves my overall mood tremendously!
Also, if you want to step it up a notch, there are endless home workout options.
If you can find a type of exercise you legit enjoy, that’s the best kind. Start small, and it’ll eventually become a new habit.
Make sleep a priority
I know it’s hard to get enough sleep sometimes, especially if you have a baby. You’re on their schedule and you can’t always just sleep on demand whenever you want. I get that.
I also get that sometimes when your kids are asleep you just want to sit there and enjoy the peace and quiet as you catch up on your favorite show.
But, it’s so important that you at least try to get enough sleep.
If you’re feeling extra irritable or crying at the drop of a hat, you may not be getting enough quality sleep.
I honestly didn’t start paying attention to the amount of sleep I was getting until I started using my Fitbit.
I started noticing that I felt so much better when I got at least 7 hours of sleep. I had more patience and felt all-around better.
What if you’re a stay-at-home mom that can’t sleep?
- Eat a healthier diet. More whole foods.
- Drink enough water during the day so that you’re not feeling thirsty at night.
- Figure out what helps you relax. ASMR videos? Reading a book?
- Lay off social media at night. Sometimes a break from the mindless scrolling is a good thing. Plus, the bright screen hinders the production of melatonin.
- Try diffusing a few drops of essential oils for sleep.
- If all else fails, talk to your doctor and see if they have any insight or advice.
Find a hobby or a side hustle
If you’re feeling bored or unfulfilled, there are plenty of things to do when you’re a stay-at-home mom.
Scraping food off of weird places doesn’t count, by the way.
You need things to think and talk about other than the latest game, Lego blocks, and which baby bottle you like best.
Yes, those things are great (and necessary), but the person you were before you had kids is still in there somewhere.
It’s okay for you to have a little something for yourself, too.
Having a hobby or even a side hustle gives you something new to be excited about, look forward to, and work at. This will help you feel fulfilled as a stay-at-home mom.
So, what do you like to do?
What would you like to learn? What did you like before you had kids?
Have you considered starting a blog? Or a YouTube channel?
I’m giving you permission to take the leap!
Make time for yourself
Happy stay-at-home moms know that in order to be the best mom possible, they need to make time for themselves too. Even if it’s just 10-15 minutes a day, self-care is important.
You can use this time to read, watch a video, take an uninterrupted shower, work out, or just relax. Do whatever it is that makes you feel good and recharged.
It’s so important to have a little “me time” each day, otherwise, you will quickly start to feel burned out.
Mom burnout is real, and it often happens when we try to do it all and don’t prioritize our own needs too.
Wake up before your kids
One way to squeeze in a few minutes to yourself is to wake up a few minutes before your kids.
It gives you a few minutes of alone time to wake up, make some coffee, read – anything you want to do before transitioning to mommy mode.
Those first few uninterrupted sips of coffee are the absolute best.
So, write down some personal goals, make a schedule for the week, update your book list, or do anything else that sounds relaxing to you.
Play some music
Good music soothes the soul. That’s what they say, right?
You can be in the absolute worst mood ever and turn on one of your favorite songs and feel better instantly. I challenge you to try it.
Doing the dishes? Folding clothes? Throw on some music, even if it has to be done with only one earbud in so that you can have the other ear in “mommy listening” mode.
Learn to say no
And if something comes up that doesn’t align with your main priorities?
Sometimes you have to say no.
Being a stay-at-home mom may not come with a paycheck, but it’s hard work – no doubt!
You have a lot on your plate and if you aren’t feeling up to a certain activity or event, it’s 100% okay to say no.
Get out of the house
Finally, as simple as it sounds, getting out of the house is one of the most important tips for stay-at-home moms!
When you’re a stay-at-home mom, you might find yourself slowly transitioning into a hermit. It happens.
It’s GOOD to change your surroundings even if it’s just to take the kids to the park.
A little sunshine and some fresh air go a long way!
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Being a stay-at-home mom can be a lot of work, but by using these tips you can make things a little bit easier.
Consider using a planner, get your finances in order, tweak your routines, and start planning out your meals. These are key to being an organized stay-at-home mom.
And don’t forget to take care of yourself too! If something doesn’t fit into your main priorities, you are allowed to say no.
Great tips! A lot have the same theme: preparation to ensure logistically you and your family function smoother. I agree!
Thanks for stopping by, Adriana!
I’m new to the SAHM life. But I found that just like when I was working, “themeing” my days worked best. When I was working, I would make one day, anything and everything to do with a particular project. Anything else could just wait a day. I would just throw myself in to that. The next day was a different theme.
So as a SAHM, I used the same technique:
Mondays- home day – Clean up from the weekend/laundry/deep cleaning chores (cleaning out fridge, scrubbing the tub, striping beds, dusting ceiling fans, etc) . My kiddo would entertain herself with unstructured play in the den or a few episodes of her favorite TV show, while I did this.
Tuesdays- Kid fun day- screw everything else, focus on my kid. I’ll pack a cooler in the morning and we leave for a long adventure: library, playground, go hiking, to the beach, etc. I still try to get home in time for nap, but we have breakfast, snack and lunch on the road. Just some good ole “mommy and me” time.
Wednesday- Food day- Meal planning/grocery shopping/food prep. Where safe and possible, kiddo helps with stirring things, measuring, etc. Mostly, she “supervises” me.
Thursday- paperwork day- pay bills, file/shred, mail stuff, apply for jobs. This doesn’t usually take up most of my day, so then it’s kid time.
Friday- light housekeeping- clutter patrol, wipe downs, vacuuming, etc. Just so the house doesn’t feel like a wreck when hubs gets home and goes “ahhh, Friday at last.” And clean enough to get through the weekend ok.
Saturday- Family fun day
Sunday- Family fun day
I try to make sure that when hubs is home on the weekend, he doesn’t have any home responsibilities. Those two days are meant just to enjoy time together. During the week is when he helps with chores that I couldn’t get to or home improvement projects of his own. I also try to encourage that he takes kiddo for some “daddy and me” adventures, so I get a break and he gets quality time.
This has worked pretty well for us..
Love the theme idea. Sundays are usually our meal planning/prep for the week day. I like to get that out of the way before Monday since my oldest is in school. After that, my motto has been a “do a little every day” kind of thing. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!
You gave some great tips! I definitely think being a sahm becomes easier as your child gets older. When my daughter was under a year old, a routine didn’t get established until about 10 months when we started attending a regular baby storytime. But it does get better!
It definitely gets easier as your child gets older. Our oldest is 7 now and he’s a breeze lol. I try to maintain a routine with the baby, but sometimes easier said than done ha. But I’ll take it. They’re only little once! Thanks for stopping by, April!
Kicking the clutter is HUGE!
I found that once I started decluttering I was able to focus on all the other things that I had been wanting to work on.
It’s like the clutter not only gets in the way physically, but mentally as well. Once that is taken care of you are able to “see” what else needs to be done.
I really enjoyed reading your post. The past few days have felt a little overwhelming, but after reading your post, the “brain dump” and simplified to-do list is a perfect tip for me to implement immediately! Thanks for sharing the tips that work for you!
Love this post! Thanks for the inspo!
Love all these tips, Including everyone else’s ideas too! My husband and I just bought our first house. We have 3 girls, 2 dogs and a flock of sheep on 12 acres. I still work part time, but am home now more then ever. Still feel like I have those great days where everything gets done and then those days where I can’t get one task completed to save my life. Thanks for all the great ideas. Can’t wait to start trying some!
I love these tips! I am currently working on decluttering and making better to-do lists. I have recently started my own blog about my life as a stay at home mom. If you have a minute, I would love your opinion on it!
Exercising and getting “me” time have been huge in helping me as a SAHM. And I love meal planning. I don’t know what I did all those years that I wasn’t. These are all really great tips though!!!
Such a great article, thank you for sharing!
I’m new to being a sahm currently I make a goal of doing one thing every day. My newborn can be pretty needy and I need to sleep when he does. Many days I feel completely useless or like I wasted the whole day. To remedy that I make sure I do at least one thing every day. Some days it’s as simple as cleaning out the sink. Usually my one thing turns in to a cleaning spree, then I feel accomplished. If I just set my mind to one small task it seems tangible and not so daunting.
I love all of these! But playing music is my favorite. It really is crazy how a few songs can completely change your mindset!
Fabulous blog post, I just found you in Pinterest and I love your blog!
This are great tips. As a mom of 5 it’s hard to find time for myself, but last year I started to do so. I’m not going to lie, sometimes I feel selfish, but I take my kids out every day. Add a seasoned mother of multiple kids I’ve come up with different ways to stay on tp of cleaning and meal planning. I created a 2 week meal plan with the family. We repeat it for 2 to 3 months and then we change it. With chores I keep my common areas clean by doing a 15 min clean up twice a day. I time myself. I do one room weekly where I clean the window, move furniture etc. I did about an hour on each room. I divided laundry per room. Including sheets. Each family member held with their laundry. Even the toddlers help. It has changed the work load incredibly. I still have time for gym, taking the kids out, cleaning, and the cooking
I’ve been a SAHM for 5 years now, and oh I wish I had seen this back in the early days.
I have a lot to learn, though, I’m soon moving to a new house, and I’m looking forward to meal planning! I’ve been a little bit scared of meal planning so far, but I’m really going to need it in the new house, because I’ll be driving a lot to take my kid for activities and school and such.
Thank you so much for this!
Awesome tips! I love the part about exercising. It can truly be a drag to get yourself to exercise but once I started doing it i felt so much better!